app-operations_manager Schemas

On this page:


{ "$schema": "", "$id": "triggers-common-schema", "title": "Triggers Common Schema", "description": "Definitions for triggers in general", "$comment": "This schema structure follows the constraint re-use pattern described in:", "definitions": { "commonFieldNames": { "$comment": "This is intended to be included inside properties/allOf in order to model property inheritance. The fields 'lastUpdatedBy' and 'createdBy' have different representations in api vs db vs json, so they are not included here.", "enum": [ "_id", "created", "lastUpdated", "name", "type", "enabled", "actionType", "actionId" ] }, "commonFields": { "$comment": "This is intended to be included inside a root-level allOf in order to model property inheritance", "additionalProperties": true, "type": "object", "properties": { "_id": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/ObjectId" }, "created": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/ISODate" }, "lastUpdated": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/ISODate" }, "name": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/name" }, "type": { "type": "string" }, "enabled": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/enabled" }, "actionType": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/actionType" }, "actionId": { "$ref": "common-ops-schema#/definitions/ObjectId" } } } } }