Clone Automation
Clone an Automation.
POST /operations-manager/automations/clone
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automation | object | yes | The id of the Automation to be cloned and, optionally, a name to assign to the clone. |
{ "id": "f2ef8de4ce2cd140bc1d27ac", "name": "myCoolDocumentName" }
{ "title": "automation", "properties": { "id": { "description": "The id of the Automation to be cloned.", "$ref": "common#/definitions/ObjectIdLikeString" }, "name": { "description": "An optional name to use for the clone.", "oneOf": [ { "type": "null" }, { "$ref": "common#/definitions/name" } ] } } }
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | The result of the clone operation. |
{ "message": "Successfully created the requested item", "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "componentType": null, "createdBy": "qui nulla irure Ut est", "created": "1980-04-16T18:28:31.663Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "consectetur eu incididunt nostrud minim", "lastUpdated": "1973-04-30T21:24:24.1Z", "_id": "a3f72aac0896d7509a176d65", "gbac": { "write": [ "d5c53831f5ccd7a992c6ea8e", "f3ca360141079be26c47b09d" ], "read": [ "8b61a46136aa9c2dcc0851e4", "bb4514a4c100574941b93f44", "050ebd60e881302fef29edeb", "9a3e23c1460fc28c6299ab83", "4dd80a278eaa4a5b0658c134" ] }, "componentId": "05db502d15ca56072fc8b9e0" }, "metadata": { "automaticChanges": [ "consequat ex sint tempor" ], "triggerCloneResults": { "message": "sint", "data": [ { "success": true, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "eventSystem", "enabled": true, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "ba4310fbc22cbf67cf8762c2", "lastExecuted": 96763275, "createdBy": null, "created": "2005-05-25T17:40:30.014Z", "lastUpdatedBy": null, "lastUpdated": "1954-02-18T14:04:39.512Z", "source": "reprehenderit do aliquip laboris est", "topic": "deserunt", "schema": null, "_id": "20ef15300e15a1cf5f72750d", "jst": "99892cd3c03b786a3b42f03c", "migrationVersion": 31544331 }, "automaticChanges": [ "pariatur Lorem Excepteur sunt commodo" ] }, { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "eventSystem", "enabled": true, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "a42d2a81976e90f7eae70fb4", "lastExecuted": 72172197, "createdBy": "qui consectetur do aliqua", "created": "1993-05-14T17:08:12.426Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "cupidatat deserunt nulla laboris amet", "lastUpdated": "1985-04-24T02:41:11.386Z", "source": "Ut commodo", "topic": "in aliquip sunt", "schema": null, "_id": "e4d27940104e2bc3e13d5056", "jst": "c4f0c6898fd5db1954f8a98d", "migrationVersion": -88159699 }, "automaticChanges": [ "pariatur nulla eiusmod", "voluptate exercitation laborum cupidatat est", "ut Duis tempor officia", "qui commodo dolor occaecat non" ] }, { "success": true, "data": { "name": 1081692.4425543845, "description": 73239902, "type": "ad in non", "enabled": "incididunt culpa reprehenderit ex", "actionType": "sed commodo magna", "actionId": "non fugiat do dolore", "lastExecuted": -74613332.02932514, "createdBy": 6412383, "created": true, "lastUpdatedBy": "sit consectetur amet laboris", "lastUpdated": "non cillum", "formData": 80799059.58807933, "firstRunAt": 23537660, "nextRunAt": true, "processMissedRuns": "eiusmod labore eu laboris aute", "locked": true, "repeatUnit": "dolore laboris minim Ut eu", "repeatFrequency": "nostrud", "repeatInterval": true, "_id": "elit sunt", "formId": "cillum enim" }, "automaticChanges": [ "irure nostrud", "est dolor", "dolore anim", "Excepteur dolore esse nostrud", "do consequat sed" ] }, { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "manual", "enabled": false, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "c2c9a62f57abc7486c76deff", "lastExecuted": 53355661, "createdBy": "laboris et eu ipsum elit", "created": "1992-07-26T22:20:45.551Z", "lastUpdatedBy": null, "lastUpdated": "2016-06-12T18:15:53.794Z", "formData": { "deviceName": "ATL-123", "action": "SYNC" }, "_id": "4c927703b2064eed717bbd61", "formId": "37f4364ace765b5d1247525a", "migrationVersion": -87142166, "formSchemaHash": "sint aute laborum ad" }, "automaticChanges": [ "sint nisi", "est exercitation voluptate laborum", "elit minim magna aliquip" ] }, { "success": true, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "endpoint", "enabled": false, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "5b4b13a5ca18ec77ed92bf00", "lastExecuted": 64971164, "createdBy": "consectetur dolor", "created": "1976-03-26T04:47:22.117Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "mollit sed fugiat", "lastUpdated": "1994-11-09T01:09:09.591Z", "verb": "POST", "routeName": "oOnYktTl4U", "_id": "01584c6d730455b19a00cccc", "jst": null, "migrationVersion": 25892764 }, "automaticChanges": [ "fugiat", "ea Duis nulla", "eiusmod proident in ad", "sunt in incididunt nulla", "nisi et proident Lorem" ] } ] } } }
{ "title": "result", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "common-api#/definitions/success-response" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "automation-api" }, "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "automaticChanges": { "type": "array", "items": { "title": "messages", "type": "string", "example": "Disabled trigger 628672e8f677b67b3b0f20d7" } }, "triggerCloneResults": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" }, "metadata": { "type": "object" }, "data": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "success": { "type": "boolean" }, "data": { "$ref": "trigger-api" }, "automaticChanges": { "type": "array", "items": { "title": "messages", "type": "string", "example": "Disabled trigger 628672e8f677b67b3b0f20d7" } } } } } } } } } } } ] }