Gets Jobs
Search the Job collection.
GET /operations-manager/jobs
Name | Type | Required | Description |
queryParameters | object | yes | The query parameters available for this method. |
{ "queryParameters": { "limit": 10, "skip": 0, "order": 1, "sort": "name", "include": "name", "exclude": "description", "in": "laborum adipisicing elit", "not-in": "aliqua laboris sit quis cupidatat", "equals": "Lorem occaecat Ut reprehenderit", "contains": "dolor eu", "starts-with": "ullamco amet reprehenderit sunt aliquip", "ends-with": "minim dolor", "dereference": "do nulla", "gt": "aliqua cupidatat id eu et", "gte": "commodo veniam elit", "lt": "quis anim dolor exercitation", "lte": "sunt", "q": "in commodo Ut eu" } }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "queryParameters": { "title": "queryParameters", "$ref": "common-api#/definitions/getJobsQueryParameters" } }, "required": [ "queryParameters" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | The Jobs that matched the search query. |
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