Get brief information about task(s) from the tasks collection in mongoDB. This will return only tasks that are attached to a currently running Job
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"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
"job": {
"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
"task": "cd34",
"ancestors": [
"name": "labore laboris elit Duis",
"description": 39023201.94631183
"variables": {
"incoming": {
"inputVariable": "inputValue"
"outgoing": {
"outputVariable": null
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "commodo sunt aliqua dolore quis"
"metrics": {
"retrying": true
"name": true,
"summary": -39071283.84989913,
"displayName": 42378910.54235932,
"type": -11125721,
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"y": "ad"
"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
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"task": "12ab",
"ancestors": [
"name": true,
"description": -44575295
"variables": {
"incoming": {
"inputVariable": "inputValue"
"outgoing": {
"outputVariable": null
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "ex fugiat"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "culpa in labore Excepteur"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "dolore cillum qui incididunt"
"metrics": {
"retrying": true
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"summary": true,
"displayName": true,
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"job": {
"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
"task": "cd34",
"ancestors": [
"name": 26115871.725022092,
"description": "ex occaecat nisi id"
"variables": {
"incoming": {
"inputVariable": "inputValue"
"outgoing": {
"outputVariable": null
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "Duis"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "officia irure"
"metrics": {
"retrying": true
"name": 59266589,
"summary": "deserunt pariatur occaecat",
"displayName": "deserunt",
"type": "exercitation occaecat",
"x": -78039605.7794491,
"y": "dolor dolor"
"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
"job": {
"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
"task": "12ab",
"ancestors": [
"name": 10637646,
"description": -8432355
"variables": {
"incoming": {
"inputVariable": "inputValue"
"outgoing": {
"outputVariable": null
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "id voluptate ullamco occaecat ut"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "incididunt reprehenderit dolore do cillum"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "Duis"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "reprehenderit sed et ut"
"metrics": {
"retrying": false
"name": false,
"summary": 94863187,
"displayName": 17032844.694347516,
"type": "irure aliqua",
"x": "Ut",
"y": "occaecat aute dolore"
"_id": "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad",
"job": {
"_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c",
"task": "12ab",
"ancestors": [
"name": "Lorem ullamco",
"description": -7287768.423154756
"variables": {
"incoming": {
"inputVariable": "inputValue"
"outgoing": {
"outputVariable": null
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "laboris irure exercitation"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "ex tempor dolore in deserunt"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "fugiat labore in enim non"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "culpa"
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "cupidatat et elit"
"metrics": {
"retrying": false
"name": false,
"summary": false,
"displayName": false,
"type": -30156732,
"x": false,
"y": 30606963.663271442