Search Tasks
Search Tasks with Options
POST /workflow_engine/tasks/search
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filter | object | yes | Search Filter |
options | object | yes | expand, fields, query, local, limit, skip, sort |
{ "filter": { "someFieldName": "Some Value to query the against the someFieldName property" }, "options": { "expand": [ "user" ], "fields": { "name": 1 }, "query": { "name": "abcd" }, "limit": 50, "local": false, "skip": 0, "sort": { "name": -1 } } }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "filter": { "$ref": "wfEngineCommon#/definitions/queryObjectFieldNames" }, "options": { "$ref": "wfEngineCommon#/definitions/expandedSearchOptions" } }, "required": [ "filter", "options" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
tasks | object | Search Results |
{ "results": [ { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "job": { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "task": "cd34", "ancestors": [ "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad" ], "name": -64379306.2560126, "description": 18600334.467839196 }, "variables": { "incoming": { "inputVariable": "inputValue" }, "outgoing": { "outputVariable": null }, "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "in nostrud consectetur Ut anim" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "nulla consectetur quis amet proident" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "sint" } ] }, "metrics": { "retrying": false }, "name": true, "summary": false, "displayName": 73554194, "type": -87435025, "x": false, "y": 21549104 }, { "_id": "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "job": { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "task": "12ab", "ancestors": [ "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c" ], "name": 8913407.981323525, "description": "id" }, "variables": { "incoming": { "inputVariable": "inputValue" }, "outgoing": { "outputVariable": null }, "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "incididunt" } ] }, "metrics": { "retrying": false }, "name": "do", "summary": true, "displayName": -36621946.845030665, "type": 24031166.18205647, "x": false, "y": true }, { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "job": { "_id": "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "task": "cd34", "ancestors": [ "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c" ], "name": -59646089.03958659, "description": false }, "variables": { "incoming": { "inputVariable": "inputValue" }, "outgoing": { "outputVariable": null }, "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "aliquip minim in cupidatat fugiat" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "fugiat dolor ullamco ad minim" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "sit" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "Ut fugiat est sed" } ] }, "metrics": { "retrying": true }, "name": 75258249, "summary": false, "displayName": "est Duis eiusmod in et", "type": "consequat culpa ipsum do", "x": 66465981.99765971, "y": false }, { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "job": { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "task": "12ab", "ancestors": [ "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c" ], "name": 31097123, "description": -10703543.42551218 }, "variables": { "incoming": { "inputVariable": "inputValue" }, "outgoing": { "outputVariable": null }, "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "amet cupidatat dolore" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "laborum pariatur eiusmod" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "minim" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "Ut veniam labore ea consectetur" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "anim" } ] }, "metrics": { "retrying": true }, "name": "nostrud nisi fugiat", "summary": -81540260, "displayName": false, "type": -7233710.217963502, "x": "in Duis", "y": true }, { "_id": "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c", "job": { "_id": "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "task": "12ab", "ancestors": [ "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad" ], "name": -90667232, "description": "veniam aute esse quis" }, "variables": { "incoming": { "inputVariable": "inputValue" }, "outgoing": { "outputVariable": null }, "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "elit adipisicing laboris nisi sunt" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "fugiat est mollit consectetur sint" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "labore enim in est aliquip" } ] }, "metrics": { "retrying": true }, "name": 59868665, "summary": 65830540, "displayName": 81780789, "type": false, "x": 60814971.16485605, "y": 84411300.63515466 } ], "skip": 0, "limit": 50, "total": 100 }
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