Merge discovered actions from all IAG adapters
GET /ag-manager/actionsDiscovers all actions from inputed IAG adapters. This will restart this app and display a corresponding log message.
Discover actions on one IAG adapter
GET /ag-manager/actions/:adapterIdDiscovers all actions from a specified IAG adapter. This will restart this app and display a corresponding log message.
Get all adapters in all clusters
GET /ag-manager/getClusterAdaptersGet all adapters in all clusters
Remove discovered actions from all IAG adapters
DELETE /ag-manager/actionsRemoves all actions from all IAG adapters. This will restart this app and display a corresponding log message.
Remove discovered actions from one IAG adapter
DELETE /ag-manager/actions/:adapterIdRemoves all actions from a specified IAG adapter. This will restart this app and display a corresponding log message.