Imports a new component group document.
Imports a new component group document.
POST /automation-studio/component-groups/import
Name | Type | Required | Description |
componentGroups | array | yes | ComponentGroups array. |
{ "componentGroups": [ { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "non", "officia", "pariatur", "ut pariatur" ], "members": [ { "path": "Excepteur laborum cupidatat ullamco", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "consectetur veniam proident Lorem Duis", "ref": "adipisicing exercitation id cillum" }, { "path": "magna reprehenderit exercitation est do", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "aute eu esse nulla cillum", "ref": "cupidatat dolore Ut" }, { "path": [ "nisi Duis", "laborum", "ipsum qui", "consectetur esse" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "aliqua Excepteur minim", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "et pariatur laboris incididunt", "ref": "ad culpa deserunt do" } ], "_id": "B5aF1f0bAEEa6C9E7A10dBF9", "version": 1 } ] }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "componentGroups": { "title": "componentGroups", "description": "Array of component group documents to import. If '_id' is provided, it will be replaced with an autogenerated '_id'. If a component group's name is already used in the component groups collection, it will be renamed with a numeric suffix.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "componentGroupImport" } } }, "required": [ "componentGroups" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
response | object | Results from each individual import operation. |
{ "imported": [ { "message": "magna", "original": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "mollit magna", "laborum", "ipsum occaecat", "sint elit voluptate dolore anim" ], "members": [ { "path": "labore consectetur voluptate eu tempor", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "non minim", "ref": "Ut tempor aliqua anim" }, { "path": "tempor ad", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "laborum deserunt do labore", "ref": "consectetur ea enim culpa" } ], "_id": "4B491C0b10A6C7888e1bb8f0", "version": 1 }, "created": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "id Lorem", "est amet", "sunt dolor aliqua et", "labore", "est ea" ], "members": [ { "path": "veniam deserunt laborum aute", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "ex adipisicing", "ref": "nisi cupidatat mollit" }, { "path": [ "aliquip pariatur Lorem consectetur", "amet culpa irure laboris", "est ipsum proident", "incididunt Ut ad", "ipsum adipisicing est et" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "qui dolor", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "non aliqua", "ref": "do eu proident reprehenderit qui" } ], "_id": "c5F876D97c9AfEAD97E6B6dB", "description": "exercitation dolor velit Duis", "gbacWrite": [ "aliquip dolor ut Excepteur", "pariatur dolore in proident", "non dolor nulla dolore aliquip", "Lorem nisi et Duis ad" ], "version": 1 }, "edit": "fugiat", "success": true }, { "message": "in velit proident ipsum", "original": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "minim pariatur veniam amet ullamco", "aute reprehenderit" ], "members": [ { "path": [ "esse proident in Ut nulla", "eu sunt sed", "in Duis et aute Lorem" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": [ "adipisicing commodo Ut", "ad exercitation ullamco ex commodo", "non", "exercitation occaecat minim" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": [ "et non", "ad sunt ea amet in" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "aute", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "veniam velit exercitation", "ref": "Lorem dolor elit" } ], "_id": "da8cfFdA9FAa12F7A4987e75", "version": 1 }, "created": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "Lorem nulla id sit ea", "velit ex deserunt enim" ], "members": [ { "path": "in", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "non exercitation ex ipsum laboris", "ref": "ullamco enim nulla" }, { "path": "incididunt sit enim consectetur", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "irure ea", "ref": "in officia sit consequat" }, { "path": "est", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "labore", "ref": "esse anim" }, { "path": [ "dolor aliquip officia", "dolor pariatur laborum", "commodo mollit eu" ], "type": "folder" } ], "_id": "E7defce6820A2Cc71e538d16", "description": "Excepteur magna", "gbacWrite": [ "pariatur fugiat amet sed adipisicing", "ut qui culpa enim dolore" ], "version": 1 }, "edit": "dolor", "success": true }, { "message": "ipsum dolor", "original": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "Ut deserunt laboris eiusmod", "nostrud ullamco pariatur in", "irure officia dolore laboris ut", "labore elit" ], "members": [ { "path": [ "sit ad", "nulla non Ut", "ex pariatur", "irure" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": [ "in nulla", "do adipisicing", "aliqua occaecat reprehenderit" ], "type": "folder" } ], "_id": "FfD5fAFcEBAeeeab7008ef9C", "version": 1 }, "created": null, "edit": null, "success": true }, { "message": "nostrud fugiat minim incididunt eiusmod", "original": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "ex" ], "members": [ { "path": "pariatur irure", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "ut amet ea Lorem dolor", "ref": "irure sunt ipsum deserunt" }, { "path": [ "elit sed sit ea minim", "ipsum incididunt magna aliquip", "cillum dolore in mollit", "irure ad Excepteur proident" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": [ "laboris eu tempor", "ad laboris commodo", "ex do", "aliqua" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "ea sint in", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "ut do cupidatat amet", "ref": "velit" } ], "_id": "c5A7f9ADe92BeDBdb4F04cA9", "version": 1 }, "created": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "deserunt commodo Excepteur Lorem", "eiusmod pariatur" ], "members": [ { "path": [ "voluptate" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "cupidatat dolor esse", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "in pariatur ipsum", "ref": "nulla laboris mollit" }, { "path": "nulla reprehenderit", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "esse", "ref": "non" }, { "path": [ "do sunt Excepteur exercitation in", "dolor ipsum labore anim", "ullamco", "cupidatat non", "anim ex irure cillum" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "dolore", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "laboris nostrud", "ref": "ipsum non magna" } ], "_id": "f8dEEbFe0b7adCcAD7DCec7e", "description": "magna culpa", "gbacWrite": [ "veniam", "ea sunt tempor", "laboris velit", "Lorem ut eu enim aliquip" ], "version": 1 }, "edit": "sint dolore nostrud", "success": false }, { "message": "laboris proident aliqua labore", "original": { "name": "test", "gbacRead": [ "dolor eiusmod", "proident" ], "members": [ { "path": [ "laboris irure consectetur", "occaecat amet nulla sit", "mollit exercitation ut elit minim", "amet exercitation in", "anim laboris" ], "type": "folder" }, { "path": "pariatur nisi id elit", "type": "component", "sourceCollection": "anim laborum consectetur enim", "ref": "nulla aliquip incididunt cillum voluptate" } ], "_id": "cddb39ef20efEDFE7BaccAda", "version": 1 }, "created": null, "edit": "ullamco ea", "success": false } ] }
{ "title": "response", "type": "object", "properties": { "imported": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "success": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Status flag denoting the success (true) or failure (false) of the component group's import operation." }, "message": { "type": "string", "description": "Message containing either confirmation of the import operation or the reason for the failure of the import operation." }, "original": { "description": "The original component group given in the import array.", "$ref": "componentGroupImport" }, "created": { "description": "The imported component group as it exists after being imported.", "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "componentGroup" }, { "type": "null" } ] }, "edit": { "description": "URI to the edit page for the imported component group.", "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ] } }, "required": [ "status", "message", "original", "created", "edit" ] } } } }