Import Automations
Import Automations.
PUT /operations-manager/automations
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automations | array | yes | An array of exported Automation documents. |
options | object | yes | Optional parameters. |
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Name | Type | Description |
status | object | The result of the import operation. |
{ "message": "Successfully imported 3 of 4 documents", "data": [ { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "componentType": "workflows", "createdBy": "Pronghorn", "created": "1970-09-28T14:40:51.796Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "c72e5a7db0106b3abb522104", "lastUpdated": "1995-09-22T14:43:28.133Z", "_id": "83d96e0dccabb09036687215", "gbac": { "write": [ "0f2a352291d6c46bccb3d862", "f6c357a034c78f5f823dbc3d", "6b2af37731af4a4ee1b909c3", "770ea7cc96b42945beb7e89d" ], "read": [ "914561efbfb796d028631e81", "598a625f524ad473b6add4e6", "d881a1c2c8d81b5393cf7b9f", "33accd71950939f9b1d491f0", "4b535f9d6123a907932b43b2" ] }, "componentId": "4bDC34CC-eDb7-AAe0-2bCC-7751Adca6FEb" } }, { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "componentType": "workflows", "createdBy": "8b62ddfad91d6f6f56e2ce3f", "created": "2008-08-11T20:16:02.07Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "Pronghorn", "lastUpdated": "1985-09-23T02:30:19.488Z", "_id": "49465373a83619a26e660009", "gbac": { "write": [ "ecc8a7bc305c9a7e5cd14f2f", "0a6c09c7e5dc0e151278be16", "7951a4697c79e2a993e1dd48", "83d90fea411002426c3ce1c4", "63f1b460305b9bc44d24e1b5" ], "read": [ "9210c9494f66173be8a65e74", "652f2ddb7ded72c4ce794c2a", "61722b87a696862be75bba75", "acde90fcb3ef919cf17648d4", "4573f6aeeb85e5bb1fdbbdd5" ] }, "componentId": "c35a90bcce91d8c0dda9c5f7" } } ] }
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