Copied to Clipboard
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"options": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{24}$",
"title": "MongoDB ObjectId",
"description": "Id of Workflow document",
"examples": [
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the workflow. When provided, 'type' can also be specified for additional filtering.",
"examples": [
"type": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The type of the workflow. It is an optional field and is used in conjunction with 'name' for filtering."
"required": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
Copied to Clipboard
"name": "My Workflow",
"type": "automation",
"tasks": {
"workflow_start": {
"name": "workflow_start",
"summary": "workflow_start",
"groups": [
"name": "tempor reprehenderit Lorem eu",
"provenance": "quis culpa dolor"
"name": "ipsum ea sunt mollit tempor",
"provenance": "voluptate tempor"
"name": "anim",
"provenance": "est aliquip elit pariatur proident"
"name": "occaecat sint Excepteur sit officia",
"provenance": "ut dolor commodo"
"name": "in sunt",
"provenance": "consequat id veniam"
"x": 88035890.96013641,
"y": 75983663.17846441
"workflow_end": {
"name": "workflow_end",
"summary": "workflow_end",
"groups": [
"name": "ipsum in sint",
"provenance": "occaecat commodo fugiat reprehenderit"
"name": "aliquip",
"provenance": "id eu ut"
"name": "do magna adipisicing laboris",
"provenance": "laboris"
"x": -55543211.07783071,
"y": -66745747.23291555
"error_handler": {
"name": "childJob",
"summary": "labore nostrud cillum",
"description": "ipsum enim",
"app": "Lorem commodo ipsum fugiat",
"variables": {
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
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"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "/~0/~0/~0/~0/rdXs0+kan/A/~1/~1/MQ/Ng+HG0XW/CeLpod82c/lp."
"type": "encryption",
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"groups": [
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"provenance": "nisi ad"
"name": "Excepteur proident",
"provenance": "ut"
"name": "sed ex ut",
"provenance": "dolor velit nostrud proident ut"
"name": "ut laborum proident dolore aute",
"provenance": "dolor"
"name": "ut amet eu Duis cupidatat",
"provenance": "exercitation adipisicing quis"
"x": 94930664.16412699,
"y": 20935648.575129703,
"type": "operation",
"gridCoordinate": {
"x": 72197728.55398884,
"y": -2669909.2203524113
"deprecated": true,
"scheduled": true
"transitions": {},
"groups": [
"name": "qui in aute sunt",
"provenance": "do pariatur"
"name": "proident culpa aliquip",
"provenance": "velit do in sint"
"name": "sed do deserunt in ullamco",
"provenance": "ut nisi ipsum elit proident"
"name": "laboris labore commodo voluptate",
"provenance": "et enim ut"
"_id": "1027d06a-c3ae-2ad9-a9ca-567565460b9b",
"description": "Ut ea",
"errorHandler": null,
"font_size": 12,
"created": "1973-10-13T05:03:54.745Z",
"created_by": null,
"createdVersion": "dolore tempor ut",
"last_updated": "2021-02-01T15:57:51.447Z",
"last_updated_by": {
"username": "deserunt eiusmod id",
"provenance": "proident mollit"
"lastUpdatedVersion": "adipisicing",
"tags": [
"_id": "873D7FaaA1636Ed6D2aB37BF",
"name": "laboris",
"description": "dolore"
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"name": "deserunt",
"description": "exercitation Excepteur"
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"migrationVersion": 69299507