Import compliance plan documents
Insert compliance plan documents into the ucm_compliance_plans collection
POST /configuration_manager/import/plans
Name | Type | Required | Description |
plans | array | yes | Array of compliance plans |
{ "plans": [ { "_id": "ut sit ipsum nostrud", "name": "Ut cupidatat", "description": "ullamco", "nodes": [ { "treeId": "consectetur ea qui sed nulla", "version": "quis sit id", "nodeId": "Excepteur pariatur" }, { "treeId": "consequat", "version": "eu irure proident occaecat magna", "nodeId": "aliquip amet" }, { "treeId": "sint est do mollit eiusmod", "version": "enim ad ut", "nodeId": "esse" }, { "treeId": "adipisicing sit qui", "version": "ut", "nodeId": "ea ad Lorem mollit" } ], "gbac": { "read": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ], "write": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } }, { "_id": "quis ut fugiat qui deserunt", "name": "est sint", "description": "reprehenderit est", "nodes": [ { "treeId": "amet sed culpa", "version": "dolor cillum", "nodeId": "Ut amet" }, { "treeId": "ut dolore Duis minim reprehenderit", "version": "amet enim", "nodeId": "nulla nostrud Lorem minim esse" }, { "treeId": "pariatur eiusmod commodo", "version": "non quis anim", "nodeId": "nisi ut reprehenderit non" }, { "treeId": "ad ipsum Ut", "version": "occaecat aute consectetur Excepteur", "nodeId": "magna sed" } ], "gbac": { "read": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ], "write": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } }, { "_id": "fugiat nostrud tempor in", "name": "nulla tempor sit", "description": "Lorem ut consectetur eu esse", "nodes": [ { "treeId": "nostrud incididunt fugiat Ut", "version": "ullamco nostrud eiusmod nisi culpa", "nodeId": "incididunt mollit sunt proident ipsum" }, { "treeId": "amet laboris", "version": "sunt Lorem quis", "nodeId": "occaecat velit laborum deserunt" }, { "treeId": "officia est sint", "version": "in laborum elit aute", "nodeId": "mollit enim nostrud reprehenderit" } ], "gbac": { "read": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ], "write": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } }, { "_id": "dolore tempor nulla in", "name": "mollit veniam sunt cillum ad", "description": "labore est et", "nodes": [ { "treeId": "Ut velit exercitation Duis", "version": "et est laboris pariatur", "nodeId": "do eiusmod irure ipsum" }, { "treeId": "elit", "version": "anim tempor magna", "nodeId": "do laboris" }, { "treeId": "quis incididunt Lorem Excepteur nisi", "version": "reprehenderit non irure incididunt", "nodeId": "commodo et ex" } ], "gbac": { "read": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ], "write": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } }, { "_id": "sint cillum do minim non", "name": "sint ut ipsum", "description": "elit", "nodes": [ { "treeId": "velit", "version": "in velit sed", "nodeId": "in" }, { "treeId": "minim dolor tempor", "version": "do minim", "nodeId": "minim Duis laborum Excepteur" } ], "gbac": { "read": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ], "write": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b", "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } } ] }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "plans": { "title": "plans", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "_id": { "type": "string", "description": "The ID of the compliance plan." }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the compliance plan to import" }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "The description of the compliance plan to import" }, "nodes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "treeId": { "type": "string", "description": "The treeId of the GC that the node belongs to." }, "version": { "type": "string", "description": "The version of the GC tree that the node belongs to." }, "nodeId": { "type": "string", "description": "The configId of the node." }, "variables": { "type": "object", "example": "{ \"ipAddress\": \"\" }" } } } }, "gbac": { "type": "object", "properties": { "read": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } }, "write": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "63696917c49ecc7b03b5f02b" ] } } } } } } } }, "required": [ "plans" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
status | object | Status of compliance plan import operation |
{ "status": "success", "message": "do ad voluptate exercitation labore" }
{ "title": "status", "type": "object", "properties": { "status": { "type": "string", "const": "success" }, "message": { "type": "string", "example": "2 compliance plan(s) imported successfully." } } }