Clone Automation
Clone an Automation.
POST /operations-manager/automations/clone
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automation | object | yes | The id of the Automation to be cloned and, optionally, a name to assign to the clone. |
{ "id": "61fe1efe94c0b343f7ec6f56", "name": null }
{ "title": "automation", "properties": { "id": { "description": "The id of the Automation to be cloned.", "$ref": "common#/definitions/ObjectIdLikeString" }, "name": { "description": "An optional name to use for the clone.", "oneOf": [ { "type": "null" }, { "$ref": "common#/definitions/name" } ] } } }
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | The result of the clone operation. |
{ "message": "Successfully retrieved search results", "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "componentType": null, "createdBy": "consequat veniam Duis dolor reprehenderit", "created": "1946-09-29T18:04:22.252Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "fugiat", "lastUpdated": "1946-10-01T01:25:39.194Z", "_id": "e31644c9fd8cf819c5384c9d", "gbac": { "write": [ "320560b91690449b4326ed87", "0ff6623a65cc82934983ad46", "f3a6a8a9b5f843b7a15fd162" ], "read": [ "7eefe5f7f9e5cc8fbc1b213a", "bfb2043060223d64599836f7", "e743c6034c351b412630ea7d" ] }, "componentName": "ullamco consectetur" }, "metadata": { "automaticChanges": [ "eu amet deserunt do dolore" ], "triggerCloneResults": { "message": "ipsum laboris tempor et Ut", "data": [ { "success": true, "data": { "name": -99268695.55405422, "description": 32032158, "type": "ex Lorem consequat velit aliquip", "enabled": "amet occaecat", "actionType": false, "actionId": false, "lastExecuted": 72669024.98781529, "createdBy": "ut dolor esse enim anim", "created": -51862657, "lastUpdatedBy": 42153416, "lastUpdated": "reprehenderit irure cupidatat", "formData": 11036709.578906968, "legacyWrapper": -45902544, "firstRunAt": "velit eiusmod", "nextRunAt": 60796113.1269505, "processMissedRuns": "labore do minim nostrud", "locked": "aute elit anim", "repeatUnit": true, "repeatFrequency": false, "repeatInterval": "quis eiusmod incididunt qui", "_id": 44766478, "formId": "velit" }, "automaticChanges": [ "id ex qui dolor", "officia" ] }, { "success": true, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "eventSystem", "enabled": false, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "809c61c0e563251ae0ec0b79", "lastExecuted": null, "createdBy": "est ut aliquip tempor exercitation", "created": "1973-10-25T07:18:24.003Z", "lastUpdatedBy": null, "lastUpdated": "1945-10-01T03:08:03.447Z", "source": "reprehenderit dolore nulla", "topic": "officia laboris non", "schema": null, "legacyWrapper": true, "_id": "67ddac379ab4baf77b9e4639", "jst": null, "migrationVersion": -63548135 }, "automaticChanges": [ "deserunt cupidatat voluptate", "occaecat quis labore ipsum", "Ut sunt nisi" ] }, { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "manual", "enabled": false, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "5f0659b799e7498ebafbed06", "lastExecuted": null, "createdBy": null, "created": "1982-12-17T03:00:41.7Z", "lastUpdatedBy": null, "lastUpdated": "2019-07-20T04:12:16.266Z", "formData": { "deviceName": "ATL-123", "action": "SYNC" }, "legacyWrapper": false, "_id": "296058a3c48cd8253cfd438b", "formId": null, "migrationVersion": -44121160, "formSchemaHash": "eu tempor pariatur" }, "automaticChanges": [ "eu in ut nostrud laborum", "deserunt", "esse incididunt", "in fugiat ex nisi irure" ] }, { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "manual", "enabled": true, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "f15207eae89d9d6a740500d2", "lastExecuted": null, "createdBy": "consectetur quis culpa occaecat", "created": "2013-10-08T22:57:37.632Z", "lastUpdatedBy": null, "lastUpdated": "2008-10-16T02:57:18.667Z", "formData": { "deviceName": "ATL-123", "action": "SYNC" }, "legacyWrapper": true, "_id": "deea45fd50e1caec9b7e7800", "formId": null, "migrationVersion": -4053077, "formSchemaHash": null }, "automaticChanges": [ "eu nisi consequat", "in nulla" ] }, { "success": false, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "eventSystem", "enabled": false, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "6d1fa170a7001c67e01524fd", "lastExecuted": null, "createdBy": null, "created": "2008-09-21T12:34:47.986Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "reprehenderit Lorem", "lastUpdated": "1995-07-16T11:22:36.669Z", "source": "commodo", "topic": "velit dolor laborum ut", "schema": null, "legacyWrapper": false, "_id": "9259ab53649700f09e1ec159", "jst": null, "migrationVersion": 31487473 }, "automaticChanges": [ "mollit pariatur ut", "ut irure", "ex Duis", "consequat sit nostrud" ] } ] } } }
{ "title": "result", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "common-api#/definitions/success-response" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "automation-api" }, "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "automaticChanges": { "type": "array", "items": { "title": "messages", "type": "string", "example": "Disabled trigger 628672e8f677b67b3b0f20d7" } }, "triggerCloneResults": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" }, "metadata": { "type": "object" }, "data": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "success": { "type": "boolean" }, "data": { "$ref": "trigger-api" }, "automaticChanges": { "type": "array", "items": { "title": "messages", "type": "string", "example": "Disabled trigger 628672e8f677b67b3b0f20d7" } } } } } } } } } } } ] }