Gets Tasks
Search the Task collection.
GET /operations-manager/tasks
Name | Type | Required | Description |
queryParameters | object | yes | The query parameters available for this method. |
{ "queryParameters": { "limit": 10, "skip": 1, "order": 1, "sort": "name", "include": "name,description", "exclude": "_id", "in": "esse voluptate", "not-in": "irure tempor magna", "equals": "ullamco laboris elit sit cillum", "contains": "sit", "starts-with": "sint", "ends-with": "officia eu", "dereference": "fugiat incididunt in", "gt": "aliquip anim", "gte": "veniam Ut", "lt": "eiusmod enim ad", "lte": "qui dolore ea", "q": "dolore Duis magna", "actionableTasks": false } }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "queryParameters": { "title": "queryParameters", "type": "object", "properties": { "limit": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of results to return. Used for pagination.", "default": 25, "minimum": 0, "examples": [ 1, 10, 50 ] }, "skip": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of results to skip. Used for pagination.", "default": 0, "minimum": 0, "examples": [ 1, 10, 50 ] }, "order": { "type": "integer", "description": "Sort direction, 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.", "default": 1, "enum": [ -1, 1 ] }, "sort": { "type": "string", "description": "Field to sort by", "default": "name", "enum": [ "name" ] }, "include": { "type": "string", "description": "Inclusive projection operator formatted as a comma-delineated list. '_id' will be included implicitly unless excluded with 'exclude=_id'. May only be used in conjunction with 'exclude' when 'exclude=_id'.", "examples": [ "name", "description", "name,description" ] }, "exclude": { "type": "string", "description": "Exclusive projection operator formatted as a comma-delineated list. May only be used in conjunction with 'include' when 'exclude=_id'.", "examples": [ "_id", "description", "_id,description" ] }, "in": { "description": "Search for fields exactly matching one of the given list options", "type": "string" }, "not-in": { "description": "Search for fields not exactly matching one of the given list options", "type": "string" }, "equals": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields exactly match the given match string(s).", "type": "string" }, "contains": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields contain the given match string(s).", "type": "string" }, "starts-with": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields start with the given match string(s).", "type": "string" }, "ends-with": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields end in the given match string(s).", "type": "string" }, "dereference": { "description": "Designates foreign key fields to dereference in the API output.", "type": "string" }, "gt": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields have values greater than the specified values.", "type": "string" }, "gte": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields have values greater than or equal to the specified values.", "type": "string" }, "lt": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields have values less than the specified values.", "type": "string" }, "lte": { "description": "Returns results where the specified fields have values less than or equal to the specified values.", "type": "string" }, "q": { "description": "Accepts a full query expression as a URL-encoded JSON object. Supports all other query operators, in addition to logical conjunction with 'and', disjunction with 'or', and negation with 'not'. May be combined with other top-level operators.", "type": "string" }, "actionableTasks": { "type": "boolean", "description": "If true, only returns actionable tasks that the current user has write access to.", "default": false } } } }, "required": [ "queryParameters" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | The Tasks that matched the search query. |
{ "message": "Successfully retrieved search results", "data": [ { "_id": "2Ea89cC7-02EF-bD4A-D6Dc-31AAFF3e0AD5", "location": "Adapter", "view": "Ut Duis mollit", "status": "complete", "app": "qui proident incididunt voluptate Lorem", "name": "sed consequat voluptate", "variables": { "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/hZgAXAJLi" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/Ca/~0/~0/~0/~0/AlJv1Jd/C+pjx" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/LlRsvJJ/cQpeFlbToY/Rj8X,/~1/~0/A5vXzM.M-AS/jGB/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/oUl/C/~1/~0/kau" } ] }, "last_updated": "1954-06-16T18:16:10.497Z", "encodingVersion": 1, "job": { "_id": "44f7a07c5a8862bd33306443", "task": "b4f", "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "ancestors": [ "10ae9b4c2956a9d3af5f376a" ] }, "incomingRefs": [], "groups": [ "f99a7ebe71a4f0fb571f8ed4" ], "type": "operation", "metrics": { "start_time": "laborum", "end_time": -58462224.08672128, 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