Clone Automation
Clone an Automation.
POST /operations-manager/automations/clone
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automation | object | yes | The id of the Automation to be cloned and, optionally, a name to assign to the clone. |
{ "id": "0b3b0a82d2c56d57c4fca22a", "name": null }
{ "title": "automation", "properties": { "id": { "description": "The id of the Automation to be cloned.", "$ref": "common#/definitions/ObjectIdLikeString" }, "name": { "description": "An optional name to use for the clone.", "oneOf": [ { "type": "null" }, { "$ref": "common#/definitions/name" } ] } } }
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | The result of the clone operation. |
{ "message": "Successfully created the requested item", "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "componentType": "workflows", "createdBy": null, "created": "2013-11-10T02:02:33.74Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "nisi", "lastUpdated": "1979-11-30T07:53:29.02Z", "_id": "1bec8adae580c7a7863501d7", "gbac": { "write": [ "d46599c9f788e02c0822994c", "f40ebfd47120b3249983ef45", "37fc4b0da919ba87be88421f" ], "read": [ "3b37b37b9052036dffd7a84d", "cff726520e69e2877dbe4ff2", "e080d699de329f625cbd4780", "fbbc22ce0556856024007661", "82df07a271e2a53ba7ef14a6" ] }, "componentId": "eb04e422366b12e16f538b97" }, "metadata": { "automaticChanges": [ "ullamco et Duis", "eu deserunt Ut reprehenderit" ], "triggerCloneResults": { "message": "fugiat consectetur tempor", "data": [ { "success": true, "data": { "name": false, "description": true, "type": 2315023.07454589, "enabled": -18161291, "actionType": -80606987, "actionId": 40246341, "lastExecuted": "exercitation", "createdBy": -27053942.560959414, "created": "ex aliqua cupidatat", "lastUpdatedBy": -61457996.07512918, "lastUpdated": "ad non", "formData": 43898392.93328869, "legacyWrapper": -19780584.692825794, "firstRunAt": -3184333.679646656, "nextRunAt": "ullamco", "processMissedRuns": 2231391.20576863, "locked": -6144016, "repeatUnit": false, "repeatFrequency": 13829200, "repeatInterval": "cillum", "_id": 55787310, "formId": "id officia ad Excepteur" }, "automaticChanges": [ "amet", "ut aute ad", "et cupidatat aliquip dolor proident", "enim" ] }, { "success": false, "automaticChanges": [ "ipsum est do", "nostrud", "dolore sunt" ] }, { "success": true, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "manual", "enabled": true, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "4b3b1392b97d1978d356469e", "lastExecuted": null, "createdBy": "cupidatat", "created": "1970-05-17T14:58:36.925Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "eu", "lastUpdated": "1992-11-01T22:05:16.458Z", "formData": { "ip": "", "name": "myNewDevice" }, "legacyWrapper": true, "_id": "be95698948bf9fc325d9406e", "formId": null, "migrationVersion": -76683598, "formSchemaHash": null }, "automaticChanges": [ "aliquip tempor deserunt", "do Ut ut veniam dolor", "tempor qui ut ut nostrud", "aute consequat non Excepteur exercitation" ] }, { "success": true, "data": { "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": "Some helpful information about the document", "type": "manual", "enabled": true, "actionType": "automations", "actionId": "dda512dd2fee5e52ba4f4649", "lastExecuted": null, "createdBy": null, "created": "2016-09-27T01:44:27.352Z", "lastUpdatedBy": "eiusmod et aute", "lastUpdated": "1970-06-30T10:47:54.732Z", "formData": { "ip": "", "name": "myNewDevice" }, "legacyWrapper": true, "_id": "10690eed3e322e647d8b4506", "formId": null, "migrationVersion": -46919367, "formSchemaHash": null }, "automaticChanges": [ "in ea", "tempor ullamco est", "officia" ] } ] } } }
{ "title": "result", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "common-api#/definitions/success-response" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "automation-api" }, "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "automaticChanges": { "type": "array", "items": { "title": "messages", "type": "string", "example": "Disabled trigger 628672e8f677b67b3b0f20d7" } }, "triggerCloneResults": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" }, "metadata": { "type": "object" }, "data": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "success": { "type": "boolean" }, "data": { "$ref": "trigger-api" }, "automaticChanges": { "type": "array", "items": { "title": "messages", "type": "string", "example": "Disabled trigger 628672e8f677b67b3b0f20d7" } } } } } } } } } } } ] }