Finish a manual task
Work a manual Task.
POST /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/finish
Name | Type | Required | Description |
jobId | string | yes | The id of the Job containing the Task to be worked. |
taskId | string | yes | The id of the Task to be worked. |
taskData | object | yes | The data used to complete the manual Task. |
{ "taskData": { "finish_state": "irure in nulla tempor cillum" } }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "taskData": { "title": "taskData", "type": "object", "properties": { "finish_state": { "type": "string" }, "variables": { "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "finish_state", "variables" ] } }, "required": [ "taskData" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | The result of the finish manual Task operation. |
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