Copied to Clipboard
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"options": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{24}$",
"title": "MongoDB ObjectId",
"description": "Id of Workflow document",
"examples": [
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the workflow. When provided, 'type' can also be specified for additional filtering.",
"examples": [
"type": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The type of the workflow. It is an optional field and is used in conjunction with 'name' for filtering."
"required": [
"oneOf": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
Copied to Clipboard
"name": "My Workflow",
"type": "automation",
"tasks": {
"workflow_start": {
"name": "workflow_start",
"summary": "workflow_start",
"groups": [
"name": "culpa incididunt laborum",
"provenance": "officia nostrud occaecat proident"
"name": "in",
"provenance": "adipisicing officia"
"x": 11952092.566553503,
"y": -46117185.00342854
"workflow_end": {
"name": "workflow_end",
"summary": "workflow_end",
"groups": [
"name": "Lorem irure non amet eiusmod",
"provenance": "ut amet"
"x": -51209539.855315045,
"y": -15538622.922710538
"error_handler": {
"name": "childJob",
"summary": "incididunt culpa",
"description": "consectetur laborum",
"app": "laborum",
"variables": {
"error": "",
"decorators": [
"type": "encryption",
"pointer": "/ialy/~1/~1/XXh,/~0/~1/~0/Pef/~0"
"type": "encryption",
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"pointer": "/eNSQIA/tmbTZzvi/mmFN-XCMW/FVJE/~0/yLlSg/wkvstg/BPf/y2bXoH/~1/bRM"
"groups": [
"name": "pariatur Lorem laborum proident mollit",
"provenance": "dolor dolore qui non"
"name": "fugiat nisi",
"provenance": "dolore enim veniam dolor dolor"
"name": "minim elit fugiat",
"provenance": "ad cillum non"
"name": "quis Ut mollit",
"provenance": "sint non"
"name": "ipsum",
"provenance": "pariatur"
"x": -98053133.68368936,
"y": 4790540.434107631,
"type": "operation",
"gridCoordinate": {
"x": 56019020.069709,
"y": 39381244.624798715
"deprecated": true,
"scheduled": true
"transitions": {},
"groups": [
"name": "deserunt voluptate sint Duis exercitation",
"provenance": "nostrud eu"
"name": "ullamco id tempor dolore",
"provenance": "veniam officia"
"name": "enim veniam magna",
"provenance": "consequat deserunt mollit cillum anim"
"name": "labore cupidatat consectetur deserunt ex",
"provenance": "laborum mollit Duis"
"name": "eiusmod quis",
"provenance": "et proident in pariatur dolor"
"_id": "e1940d14-5231-5333-4be5-c488321d87ba",
"description": "mollit sint sunt commodo",
"namespace": {
"type": "project",
"_id": "5cb5252a1bbc5a00def564c1",
"name": "amet",
"accessControl": {
"read": [
"minim cillum aliquip do sunt"
"execute": [
"dolor incididunt minim exercitation in"
"write": [
"Ut fugiat aliquip et"
"manage": [
"Ut Duis eu",
"elit proident",
"laboris eiusmod laborum ipsum ullamco"
"errorHandler": null,
"font_size": 12,
"created": "2021-02-28T21:39:46.308Z",
"created_by": {
"username": "non aute pariatur",
"provenance": "consectetur ex do laboris"
"createdVersion": "laboris est exercitation consequat",
"last_updated": "1984-12-04T03:26:04.573Z",
"last_updated_by": {
"username": "aute aliquip minim laboris",
"provenance": "do ex"
"lastUpdatedVersion": "dolor labore",
"tags": [
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"name": "cillum",
"description": "cillum irure ut"
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"name": "mollit esse amet",
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"name": "enim",
"description": "qui dolor enim in voluptate"
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"migrationVersion": 67876731