Export Workflow
Export a single Workflow
POST /workflow_builder/export
Name | Type | Required | Description |
options | object | yes | match a workflow using _id or name. Type may be included as an additional filter when using name. |
{ "options": { "_id": "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "name": "someWorkflowName", "type": "dolor fugiat adipisicing in" } }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "options": { "type": "object", "properties": { "_id": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{24}$", "title": "MongoDB ObjectId", "description": "Id of Workflow document", "examples": [ "4321abcdef694aa79dae47ad", "5cb7b531d06cceb89fd21b1c" ] }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the workflow. When provided, 'type' can also be specified for additional filtering.", "examples": [ "someWorkflowName" ] }, "type": { "type": "string", "description": "The type of the workflow. It is an optional field and is used in conjunction with 'name' for filtering." } }, "required": [ "_id", "name" ], "oneOf": [ { "required": [ "_id" ] }, { "required": [ "name" ] } ], "additionalProperties": false } }, "required": [ "options" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
workflow | object | Exported Workflow |
{ "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "elit tempor velit sit", "provenance": "culpa veniam ullamco in" }, { "name": "aliquip ut non", "provenance": "ullamco" }, { "name": "in esse", "provenance": "dolore in proident" }, { "name": "voluptate ex", "provenance": "nisi proident" }, { "name": "esse magna minim Ut deserunt", "provenance": "proident laborum sint incididunt consectetur" } ], "x": 77641050.21444193, "y": -71000441.66304941 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "mollit labore ullamco", "provenance": "tempor irure esse" }, { "name": "sint pariatur ullamco", "provenance": "aliquip anim sit incididunt tempor" } ], "x": -94825510.87310305, "y": 30818388.189831898 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "anim commodo", "description": "cupidatat deserunt Lorem dolor", "app": "Excepteur", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/dmpovKtBA/" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/YA" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/EPy/~0/Q+-wu8ObIfb/A/~0/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/i1mj7YAe/as5-1Zy4/~0/~0/~0/~0/QynXc/Ir" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "in nostrud ut", "provenance": "fugiat ad" }, { "name": "aliquip commodo est ex Lorem", "provenance": "dolor et enim" }, { "name": "quis adipisicing labore", "provenance": "cillum nisi irure ad sit" }, { "name": "ea", "provenance": "ipsum ut minim" }, { "name": "adipisicing", "provenance": "incididunt proident" } ], "x": 37038557.552806854, "y": -46645334.73680765, "type": "operation", "gridCoordinate": { "x": 69478080.0563589, "y": -96139538.81008501 }, "deprecated": true, "scheduled": false } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "ullamco culpa sint veniam Excepteur", "provenance": "aute culpa voluptate" }, { "name": "pariatur ullamco", "provenance": "sed dolor" }, { "name": "sit esse", "provenance": "pariatur laborum" } ], "_id": "3db79527-14f7-b798-e692-70a57d74199a", "description": null, "namespace": { "type": "project", "_id": "5cb5252a1bbc5a00def564c1", "name": "non ea cupidatat fugiat sit", "accessControl": { "read": [ "amet dolor officia", "nostrud mollit aliquip" ], "execute": [ "quis aliqua enim", "id exercitation elit in", "ea deserunt", "adipisicing laborum" ], "write": [ "in exercitation", "nostrud proident fugiat mollit anim", "enim dolore fugiat reprehenderit" ], "manage": [ "quis elit consectetur", "ad", "mollit cupidatat elit", "aliqua ut", "pariatur ad culpa" ] } }, "errorHandler": null, "font_size": 12, "created": "1996-09-16T22:12:03.508Z", "created_by": { "username": "ut occaecat commodo laborum", "provenance": "nostrud dolore in" }, "createdVersion": "adipisicing", "last_updated": "2014-02-03T07:39:05.028Z", "last_updated_by": { "username": "dolore pariatur ex id", "provenance": "ut esse sint dolore non" }, "lastUpdatedVersion": "laboris", "tags": [ { "_id": "fDEdeA0AcaD369fDb543fA91", "name": "in veniam id dolor", "description": "nisi" }, { "_id": "DF783aeC64BB6ea81aBDC2d4", "name": "ad sint", "description": "aliquip irure cupidatat dolor quis" } ], "canvasVersion": 2, "encodingVersion": 1, "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/Uc51.GrSMG/~0/~1/ryUN/~0/QL0jo3" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/E/vBk" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/~0/fW/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/x/j5W9g0k/OEk2wTlunWG/~0/tU02.rieHly/~0/xX2H6MT" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/BWtQfJrrR/a6xB9V7v/~1" } ], "migrationVersion": 16675260 }
{ "$ref": "workflowPayload" }