Imports a new workflow document.
Imports a new workflow document.
POST /automation-studio/automations/import
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automations | array | yes | Workflows array. |
{ "automations": [ { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [], "x": 54384510.16108802, "y": 20252718.798659027 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [], "x": 88549668.4239237, "y": 40428224.630889624 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "ea aute laborum", "description": "sint cillum laboris", "app": "nulla officia consectetur", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/DBKpr/~1/ZmwA" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/mr/DTTd5/VB." }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/~0/TCF7Qu8w/bn,ggVOAeb1/~1/~1/s2/mK9DLZuddJ/~0/~0" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "officia consectetur laboris sit", "provenance": "Ut sed reprehenderit" }, { "name": "nulla nisi culpa veniam ut", "provenance": "in proident elit nisi sit" }, { "name": "id incididunt non 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"/ad0w/bA6eyMP/f8pO" } ], "migrationVersion": -53006390 }, { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [], "x": -75314064.30348584, "y": 74349016.59532332 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [], "x": -286804.9429665506, "y": 40058245.00095305 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "irure", "description": "irure nulla Ut", "app": "adipisicing", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/jZ/HFjkiZ/hxWL/I,LygdbFf/O5ITB+JzY9b/Rlw/~1/x/~1/qEii4/OUwwBnG" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/~0/~0/Obl" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/i-JNDjk/xAef/~0/~0/hLbWnHYw9-i/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/C.w/~0/uarDaoJ/zuD//fQEYLquE/Ca/JBL20y,5bpC/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/~0/hHo0lpV/~0/~0/t/c/p-/Sii" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "quis enim consectetur Ut 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"Excepteur proident esse", "provenance": "sit id ea officia est" }, "lastUpdatedVersion": "cupidatat voluptate dolore", "tags": [ { "_id": "4c52bca6176CBfB8EC87BfdF", "name": "occaecat", "description": "ullamco" } ], "canvasVersion": 2, "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/alW03FCg67/NteIa2AA.U1/v2RPP/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/oFldOWn5MoX/~0/NP4ZoxC/~0/PQA/c7+Bdo/rzT5QWBz3/~0/v6+Up1,g/brh8n.i/~0/Ox" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/r3eX/~1/vq1TWEydgQv/ArMb" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/TjMR,E/v-p/~1/~0/~1/~0/~0/f6mBQ/~1/i5qrxZx3Wo/~0/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/u/~1/~0/~1/PKI0/~0/~0/~0/~1/y1.oPt/llD0mA7e" } ], "migrationVersion": 67454976 }, { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [], "x": 13684226.962853655, "y": 9852805.757075518 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": 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{ "type": "object", "properties": { "automations": { "title": "automations", "description": "Array of workflow documents to import. If '_id' is provided, it will be replaced with an autogenerated '_id'.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "automationImport" } } }, "required": [ "automations" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
response | object | Results from each individual import operation. |
{ "imported": [ { "message": "irure mollit", "original": { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [], "x": 86865804.40868723, "y": 94906646.10177279 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [], "x": 22525857.811257526, "y": -94340250.08249764 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "consectetur mollit", "description": "sit et pariatur fugiat non", "app": "aute nostrud non Excepteur", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/~0/h8hzZEXPO/~1/DFdMs/~0/~0/~1/rOLF0/I" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "ipsum dolore anim exercitation tempor", "provenance": "anim occaecat" }, { "name": "sunt sit", "provenance": "est in incididunt aliqua" }, { "name": "officia sit est nulla", "provenance": "occaecat aute laborum" }, { "name": "qui cupidatat sunt", "provenance": "aliquip" }, { "name": "in in", "provenance": "dolore pariatur in quis" } ], "type": "operation", "deprecated": false, "scheduled": true } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "labore", "provenance": "deserunt" }, { "name": "esse sit nulla ut magna", "provenance": "sunt" }, { "name": "exercitation est aliqua sint", "provenance": "adipisicing" } ], "_id": "b6241071-8a84-c170-cdf1-237701f16282", "description": null, "preAutomationTime": 17322648.53440006, "sla": -53810803.418527976, "errorHandler": null, "font_size": 12, "created": "1994-09-16T06:45:52.617Z", "created_by": null, "createdVersion": "nulla", "last_updated": "1983-04-16T18:59:20.763Z", "last_updated_by": { "username": "elit esse", "provenance": "Duis" }, "lastUpdatedVersion": "non amet", "tags": [ { "_id": "B08027371AFBBd9B53D8cc68", "name": "sit aliquip laboris veniam", "description": "quis voluptate nostrud" }, { "_id": "dcBB9345a1A69Fb9E8bCed9D", "name": "ad esse ea ut amet", "description": "ut dolore" }, { "_id": "9fe19db5a1347DA7a17ee59D", 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