Imports a new workflow document.
Imports a new workflow document.
POST /automation-studio/automations/import
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automations | array | yes | Workflows array. |
{ "automations": [ { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "occaecat mollit eiusmod exercitation pariatur", "provenance": "dolor sunt deserunt" }, { "name": "deserunt", "provenance": "officia cillum sit tempor" }, { "name": "aute culpa Ut ea in", "provenance": "est sit" }, { "name": "adipisicing pariatur in", "provenance": "Duis anim ipsum sunt sit" }, { "name": "nisi quis", "provenance": "esse" } ], "x": 49140926.825938016, "y": -35370259.50115531 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "cillum", "provenance": "enim deserunt laborum ad" }, { "name": "laborum reprehenderit", "provenance": "Lorem reprehenderit do velit" } ], "nodeLocation": { "x": 93087570.63092062, "y": -156319.58101537824 } }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "sunt occaecat deserunt eiusmod voluptate", "description": "Lorem consectetur 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"provenance": "laboris ea proident" }, { "name": "mollit non in consectetur", "provenance": "ullamco laborum culpa aliquip in" }, { "name": "Duis Lorem ullamco ipsum", "provenance": "ea quis ut aliquip" }, { "name": "voluptate in cupidatat tempor laboris", "provenance": "dolor ea" }, { "name": "minim do culpa consectetur ipsum", "provenance": "labore in quis dolor culpa" } ], "x": -95720561.32324196, "y": 69777689.75728163 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "nulla tempor non sint", "provenance": "elit adipisicing ad ipsum ex" }, { "name": "ullamco", "provenance": "veniam non" }, { "name": "cillum deserunt occaecat Ut mollit", "provenance": "sit" } ], "nodeLocation": { "x": -82175139.33618279, "y": 60617301.22981697 } }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "dolore occaecat pariatur exercitation", "description": "in", "app": "culpa", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": 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"automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "labore reprehenderit proident qui", "provenance": "sint commodo" }, { "name": "sed Duis cupidatat ad", "provenance": "dolor do eu" }, { "name": "veniam nisi esse consectetur", "provenance": "magna non" }, { "name": "adipisicing dolor mollit laboris pariatur", "provenance": "sunt mollit ut labore occaecat" } ], "x": -82200561.25216809, "y": -7005427.423860416 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "in velit", "provenance": "dolor labore" }, { "name": "tempor laborum", "provenance": "eiusmod non" }, { "name": "cupidatat irure laborum", "provenance": "deserunt tempor in minim" }, { "name": "dolore ipsum magna culpa", "provenance": "proident" } ], "nodeLocation": { "x": 91016063.04380563, "y": -90301506.92617434 } }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "eiusmod tempor ut ex nulla", "description": 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"name": "incididunt occaecat sint non", "provenance": "sunt" } ], "_id": "feb86f43-8b0a-c70b-93f7-36628f770a9d", "description": "dolore", "preAutomationTime": -38986081.55133685, "sla": -2389233.9051365256, "errorHandler": null, "font_size": 12, "created": "1954-10-20T21:07:20.674Z", "created_by": { "username": "est dolor", "provenance": "occaecat sint culpa sed aute" }, "createdVersion": "dolor ullamco ut", "last_updated": "1983-10-27T13:40:20.507Z", "last_updated_by": null, "lastUpdatedVersion": "eu Ut aliquip minim", "tags": [ { "_id": "CcCCcBd1a0e381bea40c5E78", "name": "eu aute Excepteur magna", "description": "est" }, { "_id": "7fB6C2E215DEF0E0EfcFBfec", "name": "nisi minim irure Excepteur eu", "description": "aute eiusmod qui" }, { "_id": "e9Ff5d5C409C67Cb5b0ba538", "name": "do esse dolore quis elit", "description": "dolor magna ullamco cupidatat culpa" }, { "_id": "bF33807De20e53Eaf0bb6bC3", "name": "aute tempor minim officia Ut", "description": "ipsum nostrud fugiat est" } ], 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{ "name": "exercitation occaecat mollit ullamco irure", "provenance": "dolore anim ullamco ut in" }, { "name": "do nostrud labore", "provenance": "in velit voluptate" } ], "nodeLocation": { "x": -80383938.47429131, "y": -75657608.54252832 } }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "laborum commodo cupidatat nisi ad", "description": "qui proident elit ea deserunt", "app": "occaecat in aute tempor elit", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/~0/~0/~1/~0/yJo/b0qUMqxg/~0/q" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "mollit sint non quis", "provenance": "proident non Excepteur" }, { "name": "adipisicing", "provenance": "Ut minim aute nulla" }, { "name": "nulla occaecat eu velit anim", "provenance": "est Lorem nostrud sed non" }, { "name": "amet Lorem sed", "provenance": "aliquip ullamco ex" } ], "type": "operation", "x": 72556346.6720669, "y": 44679818.3896707, "deprecated": true, "scheduled": false } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "dolor sit", "provenance": "fugiat" }, { "name": "ut quis consequat", "provenance": "officia amet Lorem consectetur aliquip" }, { "name": "cillum", "provenance": "voluptate do incididunt commodo" } ], "_id": "996f422d-94b2-813c-4fed-0c4902cccc8e", "description": null, "preAutomationTime": 90361904.88052124, "sla": 27523098.086227596, "errorHandler": { "type": "ut enim incididunt commodo", "name": "commodo ex Duis cillum" }, "font_size": 12, "created": "1993-11-26T07:21:39.843Z", "created_by": null, "createdVersion": "Lorem amet", "last_updated": "2004-01-05T10:18:09.767Z", "last_updated_by": { "username": "pariatur ullamco adipisicing aliqua", "provenance": "ut Excepteur ad qui occaecat" }, "lastUpdatedVersion": "commodo aute in Excepteur", "tags": [ { "_id": "Cea4a7e9Ecd5f8c8497edaD8", "name": "dolor consequat commodo aliquip fugiat", "description": "culpa" }, { "_id": "77a41C39397a7323fAC6B3e3", "name": "ullamco eiusmod nulla", "description": "aliqua non dolor" } ], "canvasVersion": 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{ "type": "object", "properties": { "automations": { "title": "automations", "description": "Array of workflow documents to import. If '_id' is provided, it will be replaced with an autogenerated '_id'.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "automationImport" } } }, "required": [ "automations" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
response | object | Results from each individual import operation. |
{ "imported": [ { "message": "cupidatat consequat ut reprehenderit", "original": { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "commodo ea ad eiusmod", "provenance": "sunt qui id do" }, { "name": "minim", "provenance": "sit qui" } ], "x": 40449369.1038979, "y": -18553202.522865415 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "eiusmod ea et in laborum", "provenance": "magna Duis est pariatur deserunt" }, { "name": "id", "provenance": "amet" }, { "name": "officia ut laborum velit", "provenance": "cillum elit minim sed amet" }, { "name": "minim", "provenance": "Duis do" } ], "x": -97169545.06604263, "y": 46620028.7178936 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "aute Ut", "description": "ipsum aliqua eiusmod ullamco magna", "app": "culpa", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/f6X/q.kmi/urhnHqJKIOB/bunkT7QpMA/~0/Ze6JkVE19E" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/y,mx8/Fh--A/~1/~0/E/~1/fs/Pj+9Zck/gbe3" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/bafAwxRV" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/xrUbAi/Z7P,lfXsLdy/xMxO9OKtGQ" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/dcKdpxN-/z4y/YEXk5Vk9zxB/vw1kbeV/~0/rA1aql5" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "aute", "provenance": "velit anim adipisicing commodo" }, { "name": "Lorem cupidatat elit sed ut", "provenance": "in anim" } ], "type": "operation", "gridCoordinate": { "x": 41686485.63065532, "y": 21660100.39599003 }, "deprecated": false, "scheduled": true } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "reprehenderit ea", "provenance": "nostrud exercitation" }, { "name": "id in ad", "provenance": "in tempor" }, { "name": "exercitation eu", "provenance": "esse ullamco cillum mollit amet" } ], "_id": "d6edb761-364d-a50e-df05-b215cd93dc28", "description": "Excepteur incididunt Duis ad anim", "preAutomationTime": -38476460.40273083, "sla": 57395076.04983878, "errorHandler": { "type": "laborum nulla sit", "name": "do ea Duis aliqua consectetur" }, "font_size": 12, "created": "1952-10-15T00:50:11.523Z", "created_by": null, "createdVersion": "fugiat in aute sed", "last_updated": "1972-11-26T09:49:34.695Z", "last_updated_by": null, "lastUpdatedVersion": "enim aliqua", "tags": [ { "_id": "cf4fdbe80AC9bD30a91CCab3", "name": "incididunt labore est Ut", "description": "enim" }, { "_id": "eCA6CFbCc08E22EB12cc6bDF", "name": "sint", "description": "Lorem amet aliqua consectetur magna" } ], "canvasVersion": 3, "encodingVersion": 1, "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/Y/~1/TNh" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/~0/~0/M/ob/uuNh8B2/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/MCWi88YB/kfuY8" } ], "migrationVersion": -85560008 }, "created": null, "edit": null, "success": false }, { "message": "et", "original": { "name": "My Workflow", 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