Imports a new workflow document.
Imports a new workflow document.
POST /automation-studio/automations/import
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automations | array | yes | Workflows array. |
{ "automations": [ { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "consectetur in ipsum nulla quis", "provenance": "labore occaecat nisi sit laborum" }, { "name": "amet", "provenance": "occaecat dolor" }, { "name": "elit", "provenance": "sunt mollit elit aliquip" } ], "nodeLocation": { "x": -46866282.26940326, "y": 36909768.23631576 } }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "tempor consequat ullamco proident ipsum", "provenance": "dolore" } ], "x": 30545214.150707215, "y": -67393308.60591587 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "aute ut ipsum incididunt cillum", "description": "dolore qui exercitation ad Excepteur", "app": "ipsum et adipisicing magna Excepteur", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/lbIhJhPGNwQ/bc,jv/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": 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12574947.0274017, "sla": 10767292.663701996, "errorHandler": null, "font_size": 12, "created": "1997-04-06T01:59:58.527Z", "created_by": { "username": "cupidatat sint labore adipisicing tempor", "provenance": "eiusmod" }, "createdVersion": "tempor non", "last_updated": "1985-06-07T16:27:57.113Z", "last_updated_by": { "username": "nostrud elit tempor", "provenance": "mollit est cupidatat nulla" }, "lastUpdatedVersion": "voluptate eiusmod ea", "tags": [ { "_id": "A759452A22BDAE52BbA693b5", "name": "do in dolor irure", "description": "quis pariatur voluptate" }, { "_id": "F7cBf4D78afBd191C4e0c9DD", "name": "eu", "description": "veniam exercitation" }, { "_id": "94ecD8bf6ed04cDe37254fBA", "name": "dolore anim reprehenderit nostrud veniam", "description": "voluptate Lorem dolore qui" }, { "_id": "5B2e61a46A6FDfEaf198fC19", "name": "adipisicing Excepteur aute quis non", "description": "aliqua consequat" } ], "canvasVersion": 2, "encodingVersion": 1, "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", 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"provenance": "reprehenderit dolore" }, { "name": "consectetur id", "provenance": "eiusmod nostrud" }, { "name": "pariatur in cillum dolor", "provenance": "aute deserunt ut ex" } ], "_id": "d913af49-7c92-6877-e0f3-1958e5caf283", "namespace": { "type": "project", "name": "in ipsum in", "accessControl": { "read": [ "et proident Ut", "mollit occaecat laborum nisi", "fugiat aliqua ut deserunt", "aute tempor sed sit labore", "culpa aliquip reprehenderit" ], "write": [ "tempor dolor sint voluptate", "in deserunt", "pariatur mollit qui est incididunt" ], "execute": [ "eiusmod tempor et laboris", "dolore minim cupidatat Ut", "dolor sint quis ut amet", "occaecat proident Lorem laboris Ut", "sed ad" ], "manage": [ "pariatur commodo", "officia" ] } }, "description": "cupidatat Excepteur dolor", "preAutomationTime": 74685085.85152763, "sla": 62107777.87927896, "errorHandler": null, "font_size": 12, "created": "2016-02-08T05:08:34.069Z", "created_by": null, "createdVersion": "dolor", 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"name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "incididunt non Lorem", "provenance": "incididunt consectetur est proident" }, { "name": "magna aliquip ex amet", "provenance": "cupidatat Lorem eiusmod labore" }, { "name": "elit", "provenance": "pariatur ad magna" }, { "name": "et laborum nisi consequat", "provenance": "minim ut anim" }, { "name": "dolore reprehenderit labore Lorem voluptate", "provenance": "ea pariatur" } ], "x": -2954177.64932324, "y": 83799106.68726477 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "qui sed amet et nulla", "description": "in ut veniam Excepteur exercitation", "app": "ea dolore dolore adipisicing", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/j9/SF/~1/~0/VCt2x2" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/P5/j/~1/~0/VrLhKd,T1i/ay-/w2/~1/QWE,Nn" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "sint", "provenance": "Excepteur eiusmod officia ut cupidatat" }, { "name": "in ad sint exercitation", "provenance": "Ut ad sint" }, { "name": "nulla commodo ea veniam nisi", "provenance": "id" } ], "type": "operation", "x": 92967400.13526583, "y": 72447407.15232167, "deprecated": false, "scheduled": false } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "anim", "provenance": "cupidatat et" }, { "name": "ipsum voluptate veniam", "provenance": "cillum cupidatat mollit" } ], "_id": "cc0e6573-7bd7-dab3-d79a-9a242c1b101a", "namespace": null, "description": null, "preAutomationTime": -89945878.57467566, "sla": -32060238.53746225, "errorHandler": null, "font_size": 12, "created": "2005-10-11T15:43:10.472Z", "created_by": { "username": "deserunt pariatur", "provenance": "ea irure laborum proident" }, "createdVersion": "qui eiusmod ad", "last_updated": "1984-04-30T09:53:12.266Z", "last_updated_by": { "username": "voluptate pariatur do ut ipsum", "provenance": "labore pariatur eu" }, "lastUpdatedVersion": "ut aute eu in", "tags": [ { "_id": "13F53C047d22EFd5f929dEBA", "name": "irure cupidatat in amet ad", "description": "ex deserunt" }, { "_id": "50874540Cd7B1bE6757Aab4D", "name": "qui do ut ullamco dolore", "description": "do Excepteur non nulla velit" } ], "canvasVersion": 3, "encodingVersion": 1, "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/gZ-3/~1/~1/~1" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/ZRdSFY3/~1/~1/GaDbwru/~0/nQ/~1/TBWMw9fMM/xkx-/+K/IM6/wgY" } ], "migrationVersion": 23089664 } ] }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "automations": { "title": "automations", "description": "Array of workflow documents to import. If '_id' is provided, it will be replaced with an autogenerated '_id'.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "workflowDocumentAll" } } }, "required": [ "automations" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
response | object | Results from each individual import operation. |
{ "imported": [ { "message": "exercitation nostrud non ex Excepteur", "original": { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "Duis", "provenance": "officia Duis do" }, { "name": "quis cupidatat incididunt eu eiusmod", "provenance": "ex elit" }, { "name": "eu sit ea", "provenance": "consequat nisi enim in commodo" }, { "name": "ullamco aute non enim", "provenance": "ipsum aute in commodo incididunt" }, { "name": "dolor anim", "provenance": "Duis ut eu aliqua dolore" } ], "gridCoordinate": { "x": 59686197.71698108, "y": 34987087.53692567 } }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "irure", "provenance": "et consequat aliquip do commodo" }, { "name": "Ut Excepteur aliquip", "provenance": "sed enim magna" }, { "name": "aute deserunt labore", "provenance": "amet qui mollit ipsum ex" }, { "name": "occaecat incididunt", "provenance": "sunt ex veniam" } ], "x": 88001800.88421988, "y": 72422075.18730351 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "sint nulla elit nisi reprehenderit", "description": "proident aliquip Ut nisi", "app": "eu dolore Ut ad reprehenderit", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/OX.40e+/ORJ19/~0/Bq6dR+OHq/~0/a/SBMMWg/z9e4ZnNtUDw/~1/SyvCAW6/wztlh/B" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/yQDk/gQd7usko,b/~0/d97jCLgjmgd/~0/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/cs.UKIGJm/~1/DhGoirV/~0/ftBM/FE1X5nXwF/~1/~1/~1/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/heDXZ/N,uq/~0/~0/g0LBtvLf/EYgKU4i.CB" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "dolore tempor consequat labore", "provenance": "deserunt laboris exercitation est" }, { "name": "officia minim proident aliquip Lorem", "provenance": "veniam quis" } ], "type": "operation", "gridCoordinate": { "x": -23758532.30020985, "y": 65300811.86861551 }, "deprecated": false, "scheduled": true } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "et proident quis in", "provenance": "cillum labore incididunt nulla" }, { "name": "proident", "provenance": "ut velit cupidatat" }, { "name": "incididunt voluptate ex", "provenance": "anim sunt Duis ut" } ], "_id": "f3aca0e7-494f-bc99-38b1-00575ac2484a", "namespace": { "type": "project", "name": "amet aute qui in", "accessControl": { "read": [ "nisi", "nulla sunt culpa voluptate ad", "eu nulla" ], "write": [ "Excepteur" ], "execute": [ "esse adipisicing enim", "sint id tempor nostrud", "in enim occaecat pariatur", "adipisicing in laboris nostrud quis", "est deserunt aliqua" ], "manage": [ "in anim", "consectetur minim laborum velit anim", "exercitation nisi laboris in", "fugiat", "qui consectetur sit eiusmod in" ] } }, "description": "consectetur aliqua anim in", "preAutomationTime": -9124727.2210031, "sla": 26727903.903050616, "errorHandler": { "type": "cupidatat veniam", "name": "incididunt non nisi culpa" }, "font_size": 12, "created": 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}, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "Ut ut elit incididunt laborum", "provenance": "voluptate anim aliqua in" }, { "name": "incididunt", "provenance": "ea exercitation in amet" }, { "name": "nulla qui irure", "provenance": "enim aute fugiat nulla" }, { "name": "dolor", "provenance": "laboris elit culpa Lorem fugiat" }, { "name": "reprehenderit dolore", "provenance": "dolore" } ], "x": 52581352.476334095, "y": 30035602.749058828 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "sit enim", "description": "velit laboris", "app": "aute", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/~0/~1" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "nulla laborum tempor ex reprehenderit", "provenance": "sunt elit cupidatat exercitation dolore" }, { "name": "dolor nisi Duis irure", "provenance": "magna et cillum ut" }, { "name": "dolor eu", "provenance": "est dolore anim aute" }, { "name": "nisi mollit ea fugiat Ut", "provenance": "et ea ut velit" } ], "type": "operation", "gridCoordinate": { "x": 22758548.64625968, "y": 15911723.038755417 }, "deprecated": false, "scheduled": true } }, "transitions": {}, "groups": [ { "name": "nostrud aliquip deserunt elit culpa", "provenance": "reprehenderit Excepteur occaecat dolor deserunt" }, { "name": "ut", "provenance": "enim veniam voluptate Duis ea" }, { "name": "Lorem incididunt", "provenance": "pariatur in" } ], "_id": "17cd169e-f4f8-ba06-ce56-e94bdcfaf4ac", "namespace": { "type": "project", "name": "elit eiusmod", "accessControl": { "read": [ "irure", "pariatur tempor qui sed", "incididunt fugiat est sint nisi", "cillum" ], "write": [ "pariatur ipsum anim cupidatat", "in", "ipsum anim proident deserunt nostrud", "sed fugiat" ], "execute": [ "aliquip aute ullamco proident", "laborum laboris non cillum" ], "manage": [ "dolore consequat commodo", "sed", "proident veniam", "incididunt Lorem culpa", "magna nostrud laboris" ] } }, "description": "cupidatat 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[ { "name": "sed deserunt veniam", "provenance": "in dolore aliqua" }, { "name": "voluptate", "provenance": "velit elit" }, { "name": "exercitation sed adipisicing", "provenance": "Duis ullamco ea aliqua" } ], "x": -28506982.346955612, "y": 57969940.9986175 }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "consequat cillum", "description": "officia ad", "app": "officia ut ad fugiat incididunt", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/QyZg/~0/~1/~1/FOsCcODjk/~0/f1DkwSbDuw/SSxfLpL3H6C/zRVd/GG5+k2SKRP-" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/z.5iLlh78u4/ceNwAfI/NVt6-Uzd8/x/o/~0/j,vQv3XVC2V" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/mUUbdL.hmi/~1/fnI/rsa/w/5,5Xn2/~0/~0" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "ipsum reprehenderit", "provenance": "ut sit quis qui sed" }, { "name": "cillum sunt non", "provenance": "nostrud eu" }, { "name": "enim", "provenance": "tempor et reprehenderit commodo occaecat" } ], "type": "operation", "gridCoordinate": { "x": 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