Imports a new workflow document.
Imports a new workflow document.
POST /automation-studio/automations/import
Name | Type | Required | Description |
automations | array | yes | Workflows array. |
{ "automations": [ { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "deserunt", "provenance": "in sed anim est Lorem" }, { "name": "dolor sunt", "provenance": "mollit Lorem" } ], "x": 68356811.16915202, "y": -49279116.32315758 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "magna reprehenderit", "provenance": "non fugiat" }, { "name": "exercitation", "provenance": "mollit ut" } ], "nodeLocation": { "x": -74650768.77958703, "y": 73613399.70550492 } }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "minim anim in adipisicing", "description": "ex", "app": "et", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~1/~1/~0/~1/H7oOL.6q0+m/~0/~1/Li" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0/~1/wB/iUT/nUSiwm2/nN" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/f/~1/~1/~0/qACnG" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "eu", 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{ "type": "object", "properties": { "automations": { "title": "automations", "description": "Array of workflow documents to import. If '_id' is provided, it will be replaced with an autogenerated '_id'.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "workflowDocumentAll" } } }, "required": [ "automations" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
response | object | Results from each individual import operation. |
{ "imported": [ { "message": "ipsum Excepteur", "original": { "name": "My Workflow", "type": "automation", "tasks": { "workflow_start": { "name": "workflow_start", "summary": "workflow_start", "groups": [ { "name": "consectetur", "provenance": "dolore laboris labore minim" }, { "name": "esse et deserunt commodo", "provenance": "ut laboris sint" }, { "name": "consectetur", "provenance": "non veniam" } ], "x": 56133728.57863107, "y": 21829355.09478572 }, "workflow_end": { "name": "workflow_end", "summary": "workflow_end", "groups": [ { "name": "laboris commodo dolor", "provenance": "culpa" }, { "name": "sunt", "provenance": "pariatur" } ], "gridCoordinate": { "x": 45006733.632326335, "y": -4462494.727520555 } }, "error_handler": { "name": "childJob", "summary": "dolor magna ad consectetur dolore", "description": "dolor", "app": "dolore dolor", "variables": { "error": "", "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/Ui/HjhU/~0/~1" } ] }, "groups": [ { "name": "commodo amet sit 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