Get a Job
Get a Job.
GET /operations-manager/jobs/:id
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | yes | The id of the Job to get. |
queryParameters | object | yes | Optional parameters for projecting fields in the Job document. |
{ "queryParameters": { "include": "name,description", "exclude": "description", "dereference": "accounts.createdBy" } }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "queryParameters": { "title": "queryParameters", "type": "object", "properties": { "include": { "type": "string", "description": "Inclusive projection operator formatted as a comma-delineated list. '_id' will be included implicitly unless excluded with 'exclude=_id'. May only be used in conjunction with 'exclude' when 'exclude=_id'.", "examples": [ "name", "description", "name,description" ] }, "exclude": { "type": "string", "description": "Exclusive projection operator formatted as a comma-delineated list. May only be used in conjunction with 'include' when 'exclude=_id'.", "examples": [ "_id", "description", "_id,description" ] }, "dereference": { "type": "string", "description": "Designates foreign key fields to dereference in the API output.", "examples": [ "tasks", "accounts.createdBy" ] } } } }, "required": [ "queryParameters" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Name | Type | Description |
job | object | The requested Job. |
{ "message": "Successfully created the requested item", "data": { "_id": "1fc40111e1999a7aeb86101f", "font_size": 20162971, "type": "automation", "created": "1983-04-15T17:30:20.937Z", "last_updated": "1957-05-23T12:16:01.631Z", "createdVersion": "596527928.71263095.633294", "lastUpdatedVersion": "2134082.3137.70545466-7876.98580.0852950255.023", "canvasVersion": 3, "encodingVersion": 1, "migrationVersion": -61940199, "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "description": null, "preAutomationTime": -67444846.63291295, "sla": -44370914.675753914, "decorators": [ { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/ku" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/~0" }, { "type": "encryption", "pointer": "/Ylx" } ], "status": "error", "tags": [], "error": [ { "task": "job", "message": "Job has no available transitions. c841 could have led to the workflow end task, but did not. These tasks performed in a way that the end of the workflow could not be reached.", "timestamp": 1627323002574 }, { "task": "f9a9", "message": { "code": 500, "message": { "apiVersion": "1", "method": "", "error": { "code": 500, "message": "Missing one of the following required instances: arg2, arg1", "errors": [] } } }, "timestamp": 1627323002561 }, { "task": "f9a9", "message": { "code": 500, "message": { "apiVersion": "1", "method": "", "error": { "code": 500, "message": "Missing one of the following required instances: arg2, arg1", "errors": [] } } }, "timestamp": 1627323002561 } ], "warnings": [ { "task": "e28f", "name": "myCoolDocumentName" }, { "task": "e28f", "name": "myCoolDocumentName", "message": "mollit dolore cupidatat" }, { "task": "workflow_start", "name": "myCoolDocumentName" }, { "task": "e28f", "name": "myCoolDocumentName" } ], "ancestors": null, "validationErrors": [ { "keyword": "non", "instancePath": "dolore qui laboris", "schemaPath": "ut officia Ut deserunt", 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